Leap Motion’s setup

Leap Motion Settings

ROS Driver for Leap Motion Controller

Proper installation and configuration of the Leap Motion driver in ROS Kinetic Kame requires a bit more work than in the previous repositories.

First, you need to replace or create the file that serves the driver: /lib/systemd/system/leapd.service

# Founded by Kevin Cole 2014.11.22 at
# https://github.com/atejeda/leap-fedora-rpm
# Remember to:
# ln -s /lib/systemd/system/leapd.service /etc/systemd/system/leapd.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
Description=LeapMotion Daemon

A direct access to the created file is created, which is stored in /etc/systemd/system/ as leapd.service:

sudo ln -s /lib/systemd/system/leapd.service /etc/systemd/system/leapd.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Installation of Leap Motion

Clone the repository:

cd ~/tfg_multirobot/src
git clone https://github.com/ros-drivers/leap_motion.git

In the installation steps it says to move the LeapSDK directory to the $HOME directory, but it will stay in the original repository and change the PATHS accordingly.

# 64-bit operating system
echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/tfg_multirobot/src/leap_motion/LeapSDK/lib:$HOME/tfg_multirobot/src/leap_motion/LeapSDK/lib/x64" > > ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Installing the Leap Motion ROS package:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-leap-motion

Install all missing dependencies for ROS Kinetic Kame:

cd ~/tfg_multirobot
rosdep update
rosdep install --rosdistro kinetic --ignore-src --from-paths src


cd ~/tfg_multirobot

If errors occur when using the Leap Motion driver, it is usually sufficient to restart the service:

sudo service leapd restart
